Cloud Conulting and Implementation

Our objective is to meet your business objectives by aligning three factors: scope, timeline, and resources in a way that exceeds them relentlessly. With Codepilot Technologies, you can not only achieve endless business solutions, but also implement what you need in the most efficient and cost-effective way.

Get an edge by utilizing expert cloud consulting and cloud implementation services :

With all of the hype surrounding cloud computing, are you still unsure whether it is right for your company? While many businesses want to use the cloud, determining the best solutions for your company and then making the transition can be difficult. We at Codepilot Technologies understand that the cloud is not the best solution for every business. Our first step is to assess the organization's current and future infrastructure needs. We then determine the best mix of on-premise, hybrid, public, and private cloud solutions for your organisation that is flexible, extensible, secure, and cost-effective.

Get access to decades of technical expertise :

Downtime can be detrimental to businesses trying to stay afloat or get ahead of the competition. You require constant access to documents, email, and other tools and simply cannot afford to be offline. When you work with Codepilot Technologies' cloud consultants and cloud implementation professionals, we'll create a detailed plan and guide you down the best path forward. Our experts at Codepilot Technologies have decades of experience and technical knowledge that you can take advantage of by partnering with us. Ensure the success of your cloud projects with our tools and expertise.

How Can Cloud Consulting & Implementation Benefit You?

Security, compliance and data storage are serious concerns for companies, which is why the team at Codepilot Technologies always takes the time to fully understand and document your unique needs. When you partner with us, you can be confident that your company’s goals and objectives are at the heart of each decision. Not sure where to begin with cloud computing? We will walk you through the thought processes and decisions, providing guidance and insight at every turn.Certain businesses have found our cloud consulting and implementation services particularly valuable.

Benefits of Cloud Consulting & Cloud Implementation with Codepilot Technologies :

Regardless of your organization's level of IT expertise, collaborating with outside assistance can often make the difference between a failed deployment and a successful migration. We have over a decade of real-world experience in cloud consulting and cloud implementation at Codepilot Technologies. We will be with you every step of the way, offering advice, tips, and solutions to help you get the most out of your cloud technology.The majority of our clients enjoy distinct advantages, including:

  • Scalability
  • Enhancements to Efficiency
  • Interoperability
  • Increased mobility
  • Flexible work practices
  • Continuity of operations
  • Expanded collaboration capabilities
Cloud Migration Services at Codepilot Technologies :

Is your internal IT team already overburdened? If so, Codepilot Technologies can assist you. Rather than imposing a migration on an already overburdened in-house team, our cloud consultants can plan and manage the entire migration. According to research, more than a third of businesses choose cloud migration as their top area for investment.You can save your running costs in half or more by migrating. Additionally, availability has increased by almost 100%. It significantly enhances all of your company procedures. This covers efficiency improvements, security measures, and the introduction of new features.

Migration Types :

Re-hosting : You can maximize the usage of hardware resources by transferring your platform to a new infrastructure. This action eases the transition to modernization in the future. The performance and scalability of this method, however, are constrained.

Re-platforming: : Coding improvements are a beneficial addition to the migration procedure. Efficiency is increased, and the platform becomes more bug-resistant as a result.

Re-architecting : This strategy provides the most flexibility. We redesign your software to take use of cloud capabilities while accommodating various performance demands. Your application has been completely tuned to support dynamic loading, partial updates, and a variety of technologies.


By outsourcing data centre and management services, disaster recovery and management solutions, and business agility solutions, we assist businesses in reducing OPEX. As a service provider, we help businesses move their IT infrastructure to the cloud and minimize complexity. We also offer multi-cloud management and cloud infrastructure automation and deployment.

Amazon web service :
  • AWS Migration
  • AWS Market
  • Deployments
  • Storage
  • Backups
  • 24x7 Services
Google Cloud:
  • Data Migration
  • Advanced Automation
  • Cloud Readiness Assessment
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
  • Monitoring, Maintenance and 24×7 support
  • Data-centric cloud solution—EDW, advanced analytics, data exploration
Microsoft Azure:
  • Cloud Architecture Selection
  • Cloud Solution and Platform Creation
  • Cloud POC
  • Cloud Readiness Assessment
  • Application Migration Plan
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
  • Advanced Automation
  • Data Migration